Install OpenFDE on UOS

Install OpenFDE on UOS

1. System Requirements

  • Processor: Phytium FT-2000 (ARM)

  • Kernel: 4.19 or 5.10 version

  • Graphics:AMD Radeon GPU

  • Storage:Minimum 8GB.

2. Activate Developer Mode

Open Settings - General - Developer Mode/Enter Developer Mode. You can also directly search in the search bar for faster access.


After entering Developer Mode, select "Activate Online". Please note that during the activation process, a restart may be required. After restarting, continue with the subsequent steps.


3. Security Center Settings

In Developer Mode, click on "Security Center" under the "Security Tools" section. In the "Security Tools" options, select "Allow any app".Screenshot_20240607091828-20240606-171828.png


4. Install OpenFDE

Step1. install curl

sudo apt-get install curl

Step2. download the script to your local

curl -fsSL https://openfde.com/getopenfde/get-openfde.sh -o get-openfde.sh

Step3. execute the script file

sudo sh ./get-openfde.sh

During the installation process, you may be prompted to enter "y" to confirm certain actions. Simply follow the prompts and enter the requested input as necessary.

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