Build Linux Programs on Kylin2023

1. Install gbinder-python

1.1 Install libglibutil

  • Update the source

sudo apt update
  • Install git、make、gcc、python3

sudo apt install git make gcc python3 -y
  • Get the source code

git clone
  • Install libglib2.0-dev

  • Access to the libglibutil directory and compile.

  • Install libgulibutil

  • After the compilation is completed, return to the parent directory.

1.2 Install libgbinder

  • Get the source code

  • Go to the libgbinder directory and compile.

  • Install libgbinder

  • After the compilation is completed, return to the parent directory.

1.3 Install gbinder-python

  • Get the source code

  • Install pyhton3-pip、cython3、lxc、curl、ca-certificates

  • Accecc to the gbinder-python directory

  • Compile gbinder-python

  • Install gbinder-python

  • Install pyclip

  • Back to the parent directory

2. Install the waydroid program

  • Get the source code

  • Go to the waydroid directory and compile

  • Back to the parent directory

3. Install fde_ctrl

3.1 Download and compile the golang program

  • Install wget and download the tool for golang compilation

  • Unzip and copy to the execution path

  • Set an environment variable and add it to the bash environment variables

  • create the GOPATH directory and set the GOPATH environment variable, adding it to the bash environment variables

  • Back to the parent directory and set up the agent

3.2 Install fde_fs

  • Get the source code

  • Install libfuse and fuse

  • Go to the fde_fs directory and compile the source code

  • Install fde_fs

  • Back to the parent directory

3.3 Install fde_tigervncserver

  • Get the source code and go to the fde_tigervncserver directory

  • Install the ubuntu version of the deb package

  • Install the ARM64 version of the deb package

If you encounter an error stating "missing dependencies" during this step, you can ignore it as the subsequent steps will take care of installing the dependencies.

  • Automatically install damaged or missing dependencies.

  • Install equivs and devscripts

  • Use the mk-build-deps tool to create build dependencies and automatically install them.

  • Specify the build options and package the software.

-b:specify the build process for the binary package. -uc:skip the digital signing process for the software package. -us: skip the signing process for the source code modification records.

  • Back to the parent directory and install perl

  • Install the arm64 deb package of tigervncserver

3.4 Compile the Linux input method

  • Get the source code

  • Install libibus

  • Enter the fdeime directory and compile/build fdeime

  • Install fdeime

  • Back to the parent directory

3.5 Install the window manager of the linux wayland mutter

  • Get the source code and go to the mutter directory

  • Install the related dependencies

  • Compile and build meson

  • Install and config mutter

  • Back to the parent directory

3.6 Install the Linux desktop control program fde_ctrl

  • Get the source code

  • Install libx11-dev i3

  • Go to the fde_ctrl directory and make install

  • Back to the parent directory