Build Android APK

Build Android APK

a multi-core X86 host with a minimum requirement of 16GB of RAM and a minimum disk size of 512GB.

1. Install Ubuntu and Run the Container

  • Install docker

sudo apt install docker.io
  • Pull ubuntu:22.04 from the docker repository

sudo docker pull ubuntu:22.04
  • Run ubuntu:22.04

sudo docker run -it --name ubuntu_build_apk ubuntu:22.04

2. Install cmdline tools和ndk

  • Update the list of package

  • Go to the home directory and install the related tools

  • Install cmdline package

  • Unzip the file

  • Set PATEH environment variable

  • Set ANDROID_SDK_ROOT environment variable

  • Install android ndk21.1.6352462

If you encounter the prompt "Accept?(y/N):" during the command execution, please press 'y'.

3. Build Systemui APK

  • Get the source code and go to the boringdroidsystemui directory

  • Set JAVA_HOME environment variable

  • Execute gradle and build the apk

Helpful tip: During the process of building an APK using this command, the Gradle installation package will be downloaded first. If the build process is taking a long time, you can follow the four steps below to speed up this step.

Step 1: Execute the command ./gradlew build, which will generate a directory. In the example given below, it is /root/.gradle/wrapper/dists/gradle-7.6-bin/9l9tetv7ltxvx3i8an4pb86ye/. Please locate the folder generated in your own gradle-7.6-bin directory.


Step 2: Manually download the Gradle installation package.
9l9tetv7ltxvx3i8an4pb86ye with your own directory name.


Step 3: Copy the Gradle archive to the generated directory. Make sure to replace 9l9tetv7ltxvx3i8an4pb86ye with your own directory name.

Step 4: Execute the build process again. This time, the build process will be much faster!

Note: Due to the requirement of sdkmanager to run on Java 17 and the limitation of compiling APKs on Java 11, it is necessary to reset JAVA_HOME to Java 11. Compiling with Java 17 will result in the following error.

Unable to make field private final java.lang.String java.io.File.path accessible: module java.base does not "opens http://java.io " to unnamed module @71cff6a8.

After compilation is complete, you can find the BoringdroidSystemUI.apk file in the app/build/outputs/apk/release directory.

4. Build FdeVNC APK

  • Back to the home directory and get the source code of fde-vnc

  • Go tot the remote-desktop-clients directory and build bVNC-app

5. Compile gallery_fde

  • Back to the home directory and get the source code of gallery-fde

  • Go to the gallery-fde and change its mode

  • Build app

6. Copy APK to AOSP

Open a new Linux shell terminal and copy the compiled APK files from sections 3.3 and 3.4 out of the container.

$AOSP_TOP_DIR represents the top-level directory of the AOSP source tree.