
1. Install gbinder-python

1.1 Install libglibutil

  • Update the source

1sudo apt update
  • Install git、make、gcc、python3

1sudo apt install git make gcc python3 -y
  • Get the source code

1git clone https://gitee.com/openfde/libglibutil.git
  • Install libglib2.0-dev

1sudo apt install libglib2.0-dev -y
  • Access to the libglibutil directory and compile.

1cd libglibutil && make
  • Install libgulibutil

1sudo make install && sudo make install-dev
  • After the compilation is completed, return to the parent directory.

1cd -

1.2 Install libgbinder

  • Get the source code

1git clone https://gitee.com/openfde/libgbinder.git
  • Go to the libgbinder directory and compile.

1cd libgbinder && make
  • Install libgbinder

1sudo make install && sudo make install-dev
  • After the compilation is completed, return to the parent directory.

1cd -

1.3 Install gbinder-python

  • Get the source code

1git clone https://gitee.com/openfde/gbinder-python.git
  • Install pyhton3-pip、cython3、lxc、curl、ca-certificates

1sudo apt install python3-pip cython3 lxc curl ca-certificates
  • Accecc to the gbinder-python directory

1cd gbinder-python
  • Compile gbinder-python

1python3 setup.py build_ext --inplace --cython
  • Install gbinder-python

1sudo python3 setup.py install
  • Install pyclip

1sudo pip3 install pyclip -i https://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/simple
  • Back to the parent directory

1cd -

2. Install the waydroid program

  • Get the source code

1git clone https://gitee.com/openfde/waydroid_waydroid.git
  • Go to the waydroid directory and compile

1cd waydroid_waydroid && sudo make install
  • Back to the parent directory

1cd -

3. Install fde_ctrl

3.1 Download and compile the golang program

  • Install wget and download the tool for golang compilation

1sudo apt install wget -y && wget https://go.dev/dl/go1.20.13.linux-arm64.tar.gz -O ~/go1.20.13.linux-arm64.tar.gz
  • Unzip and copy to the execution path

1cd ~ && tar -xf ~/go1.20.13.linux-arm64.tar.gz && cd go && sudo cp -a bin/* /usr/bin/
  • Set an environment variable and add it to the bash environment variables

1export GOROOT=~/go && echo "export GOROOT=~/go" >> ~/.bashrc
  • create the GOPATH directory and set the GOPATH environment variable, adding it to the bash environment variables

1mkdir ~/gopath && export GOPATH=~/gopath && echo "export GOPATH=~/gopath" >> ~/.bashrc
  • Back to the parent directory and set up the agent

1cd - && go env -w GOPROXY=https://goproxy.cn,direct

3.2 Install fde_fs

  • Get the source code

1git clone https://gitee.com/openfde/fde_fs.git
  • Install libfuse and fuse

1sudo apt install libfuse-dev fuse3 -y
  • Go to the fde_fs directory and compile the source code

1cd fde_fs && make
  • Install fde_fs

1make install
  • Back to the parent directory

1cd -

3.3 Install fde_tigervncserver

  • Get the source code and go to the fde_tigervncserver directory

1git clone https://gitee.com/openfde/fde_tigervncserver.git && cd fde_tigervncserver
  • Install the ubuntu version of the deb package

1sudo dpkg -i xorg-server-source_2%3a1.20.13-1ubuntu1~20.04.8_all.deb
  • Install the ARM64 version of the deb package

1sudo dpkg -i tigervnc-build-deps_1.10.1+dfsg-3_arm64.deb

If you encounter an error stating "missing dependencies" during this step, you can ignore it as the subsequent steps will take care of installing the dependencies.

  • Automatically install damaged or missing dependencies.

1sudo apt --fix-broken install -y
  • Install equivs and devscripts

1sudo apt install equivs devscripts --no-install-recommends -y
  • Use the mk-build-deps tool to create build dependencies and automatically install them.

1sudo mk-build-deps -i -t "apt-get" -r
  • Specify the build options and package the software.

1sudo DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS="parallel=8" dpkg-buildpackage -b -uc -us

-b:specify the build process for the binary package. -uc:skip the digital signing process for the software package. -us: skip the signing process for the source code modification records.

  • Back to the parent directory and install perl

1cd - && sudo apt install libfile-readbackwards-perl
  • Install the arm64 deb package of tigervncserver

1sudo dpkg -i tigervnc-standalone-server_1.10.1+dfsg-3_arm64.deb

3.4 Compile the Linux input method

  • Get the source code

1git clone https://gitee.com/openfde/fdeime.git
  • Install libibus

1sudo apt install libibus-1.0-dev -y
  • Enter the fdeime directory and compile/build fdeime

1cd fdeime && cmake . && make
  • Install fdeime

1sudo make install
  • Back to the parent directory

1cd -

3.5 Install the window manager of the linux wayland mutter

  • Get the source code and go to the mutter directory

1git clone https://gitee.com/openfde/mutter.git && cd mutter
  • Install the related dependencies

1 sudo apt install -y meson libgraphene-1.0-dev libgtk-3-dev gsettings-desktop-schemas-dev gnome-settings-daemon-dev libjson-glib-dev libgnome-desktop-3-dev libxkbcommon-x11-dev libx11-xcb-dev libxcb-randr0-dev libxcb-res0-dev libcanberra-dev libgudev-1.0-dev libinput-dev libstartup-notification0-dev sysprof xwayland gnome-settings-daemon libxkbfile-dev libdrm-dev libgbm-dev
  • Compile and build meson

1meson build && ninja -C build
  • Install and config mutter

1sudo ninja -C build install && sudo ldconfig
  • Back to the parent directory

1cd -

3.6 Install the Linux desktop control program fde_ctrl

  • Get the source code

1git clone https://gitee.com/openfde/fde_ctrl.git
  • Install libx11-dev i3

1sudo apt install libx11-dev i3 -y
  • Go to the fde_ctrl directory and make install

1cd fde_ctrl && make && make install
  • Back to the parent directory

1cd -