Quick Overview

Quick Overview

This document aims to enable developers to quickly understand the development work of OpenFDE, mainly including two parts: source code compilation and Debian package creation.


The table below lists the complete compilation targets. For detailed compilation instructions, please refer to Compiling aosp images and linux programs

compile target

hardware arch

operation system of the compile system


compile target

hardware arch

operation system of the compile system


system base android apk


ubuntu 22.04

systemui.apk、fde_gallery.apk、oobe.apk are need by compiling aosp images. it will download from internet automaticly by run syncFdeApk

aosp images


ubuntu 22.04


linux control and basement



there is a script to compile all programs on the machine which run fde

Make Deb

We will minimize the capacity of images and pack a browse app and a input method app into the images as preinstalled app for the purpose of using.

Finnally, we all pack all the files including aosp images and linux control and basement files as a deb for easy distribution and installation.

Scripts are provided that automate the packaging process, requiring only the preparation of the AOSP image and Linux control with basic components. For detailed packaging instructions, please refer to Making deb


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