1. System Requirements
To install OpenFDE on a Raspberry Pi with the Ubuntu 22.04 operating system, please ensure that you meet the following requirements.
Operating System
Ubuntu Jammy 22.04.3 (LTS) with ARM64 architecture support.
Raspberry Pi 4B or higher with kernel version 5.15.0-1044 raspi or later.
It is recommended to have as much memory as possible.
We have researched, tested, and adapted OpenFDE for the kernel version 5.15.0-1044 raspi. However, if you have a different kernel version, you can still try installing it. If you encounter any issues during the installation process, please feel free to provide feedback.
2. Writing Ubuntu 22.04 Operating System Image
First, download the Raspberry Pi image writing tool called Raspberry Pi Imager. You can find the download link onhttps://www.raspberrypi.com/software/ Here is an example of the image writing process:
3. Configure Ubuntu
After the writing process is completed, start the system on your Raspberry Pi and boot into Ubuntu. Follow the setup wizard to complete the necessary configurations.
4. Configure Installation Source And Certificates(Optional)
When installing OpenFDE for the first time, you will need to obtain the complete software source and configure the installation source and certificates.
Note: If this is not your first time installing OpenFDE, you can skip the "Configure Installation Source and Certificates" section and proceed directly to the #install-openfde
4.1 Install wget and gpg
sudo apt-get install wget gpg
4.2 Download the encryption key file from the official website and decrypt it locally
wget -qO- http://openfde.com/keys/openfde.asc | gpg --dearmor > packages.openfde.gpg
4.3 Copy the decrypted key file to the key folder of your local apt tool
sudo install -D -o root -g root -m 644 packages.openfde.gpg /etc/apt/keyrings/packages.openfde.gpg
4.4 Configure the software repository address for OpenFDE
sudo echo \ "deb [arch="$(dpkg --print-architecture)" signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/packages.openfde.gpg] http://openfde.com/repos/ubuntu/ \ "$(. /etc/os-release && echo "$PROJECT_CODENAME")" main" | \ sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/openfde.list > /dev/null
4.5 Delete the downloaded key file
rm -f packages.openfde.gpg
5. Install OpenFDE
5.1 Update Software Source
sudo apt-get update
5.2 Install OpenFDE
sudo apt-get install openfde
6. Upgrade OpenFDE
Firstly update the software source.
sudo apt-get update
Upgrade OpenFDE to the latest version.
sudo apt-get install openfde
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